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Handling Large Files in Git


Recently, I have been working on a mobile app project using flutter+unity. Since it is my first time developing with unity, I am not very familiar with the file structure of unity. As a result, many 3D model files from the test assets have been included in the git repository, causing the repository to become bloated.

init-qyAbout 1 minDevOpsgit
Jenkins Optimization Process Documentation


This is a record of my entire process of optimizing Jenkins. The project being deployed is a frontend project, using Node 14, Vue 2, and npm for packaging. It also requires packaging Nginx as a Docker image and deploying it.

Version 1 (30 minutes)

This version was quite outrageous. When I took over, I was excited to hear about the automated deployment pipeline. However, after enduring it for two months, I couldn't take it anymore. The 30-minute deployment time meant that some issues that needed to be tested online couldn't be seen in a timely manner. Sometimes, if the first deployment failed, it would take another hour to start over.

init-qyAbout 2 minDevOpsJenkins