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LVGL development process


I just took on a new project, doing c++ page development. Since I hadn't been involved in this kind of development before, I'm writing down the process here and also commemorating the approximately 20 days of development. About 50% of the time was spent getting familiar with lvgl development, its rendering process, syntax, APIs, and so on. Around 30% of the time was used for compilation and testing, and only the remaining time was actually used for writing code. During this process, the newly added logic led to a continuous growth of corresponding code branches, which required me to spend more time understanding the code later. In the end, I managed to complete the task, but I'm not entirely satisfied with the overall robustness, cleanliness, and readability of the code.

init-qyMay 23, 2024About 3 minfront-end developmentlvgl
Calling Android camera functions in Unity

Unity itself provides interfaces such as WebcamDevice and WebcamTexture to support access to physical cameras. However, these interfaces provide limited parameters, so we need to call native functions in Unity to obtain the corresponding parameters.

init-qyJuly 17, 2023Less than 1 minuteUnityunityC#
Handling Large Files in Git


Recently, I have been working on a mobile app project using flutter+unity. Since it is my first time developing with unity, I am not very familiar with the file structure of unity. As a result, many 3D model files from the test assets have been included in the git repository, causing the repository to become bloated.

init-qyApril 16, 2023About 1 minDevOpsgit
Jenkins Optimization Process Documentation


This is a record of my entire process of optimizing Jenkins. The project being deployed is a frontend project, using Node 14, Vue 2, and npm for packaging. It also requires packaging Nginx as a Docker image and deploying it.

Version 1 (30 minutes)

This version was quite outrageous. When I took over, I was excited to hear about the automated deployment pipeline. However, after enduring it for two months, I couldn't take it anymore. The 30-minute deployment time meant that some issues that needed to be tested online couldn't be seen in a timely manner. Sometimes, if the first deployment failed, it would take another hour to start over.

init-qyNovember 21, 2022About 2 minDevOpsJenkins